Naturalist schedules for the Chippewa National Forest


Hello from the Chippewa National Forest! Our summer naturalist programs are in full swing, and we wanted to make sure to send you a list of all scheduled programs at the Norway Beach Visitor Center (near Cass Lake, MN) and Cut Foot Sioux Visitor Center (north of Deer River).

New Adventure Series this summer, so watch for special programs on Thursdays (hikes to Joyce Estate, Lost 40, canoe adventures and more) and Fishing Friday  programs at accessible fishing piers around the Forest…every Friday!  We’ve been posting updates on Chippewa National Forest Twitter and Facebook accounts (#ChippewaNF) as well as on our website. Karl and Ben, the naturalists, are so excited about the summer programs and hope to get families exploring the northwoods with them!

For more information on specific programs, call 218-335-3076 for Norway Beach Visitor Center or 218-246-8233 for Cut Foot Sioux Visitor Center.  There are also summer programs up at the Edge of the Wilderness Discovery Center near Marcell as well!

Norway Beach Schedule

Cut Foot Sioux Visitors Center