Member of the week: Lake Country RV, Inc.


The Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce presents Lake Country RV, Inc. as the Member of The Week! Each week a new business will be featured as a “thank you” for being a part of our membership. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce please give us a call at 218-547-1313 and we will be happy to give you some more information!



Meet Bob and Dodie – when it comes to RV’s we are here to help.  With over 50 years of experience in the RV industry, our sales department will help you to make decisions that will affect the comfort of your investment.  We listen to what you want in your new or used home away from home.  We will help you find a floor plan that will meet your specific needs.  When it comes to service, our expert technicians know all of the ways to maintain your new unit for years of enjoyment by you and all of your guests.  We maintain and service the units we sell; you can relax in comfort knowing, should any emergency arrive.  We are here to help you, we will strive to keep your vacation relaxing-the way it is meant to be.  For the best service, buy where you play!

Sales of new & used travel trailers, 5th wheels, destination trailers, used motorhomes and used camping trailers.  We have a large RV parts store and are having our 15th Annual Spring Sale NOW thru April 30th.  MN Hwy 34 West & Jct. Lake May Road NW, Walker

Open Monday thru Saturday


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