Leech Lake Ice and Fishing Report

Fishing Report Uncategorized
2/6/22 – Leech Lake Fish House Rentals
More wind.  It seems as though the wind blows every day now.  Make roads, roads fill in, re-make roads, wind changes, start all over.  So goes the winter of 2022.  With the additional 2-4 inches of snow and wind travel off roads is now almost impossible for most vehicles.
Main Lake – Fishing reports from our rentals over the weekend were pretty good.  It seems as though everyone left with a solid fish fry of perch, along with a bonus walleye or two.  Jigging green or orange glow spoons and set lines with a plain hook and a fathead seemed to be the best producers. Ice conditions continue to improve with 20-24 inches in most areas and really little to no flooding occuring.  The best area this weekend around the 1st and 2nd duck point areas in 16-20 ft.  A few reports of perch being caught in the Snake Pits area have been reported as well.
Walker Bay – There is still some flooding and slush happening in the bay but if you can find your way out of the maze of roads and snowbanks a few fish are still being caught.  The best areas seem to consitently be the Cedar and Sand Point areas along the steeper breaklines.  A few perch are starting to be caught in shallow water in the Sand Point area as well.  Look for the eelpout bite to increase as they move into deeper water preparing for spawn.
If you are looking to get out with us, we still have limited availability in sleepers and day houses, especially during the middle of the week.  Give us a call to book your next Leech Lake outing.