Fishing Reports for the week of June 15th, 2019

Fishing Report

Outright Angling – Leech Lake Fishing Report for June 16, 2019


Walleye fishing remains very good, with numbers and bigger fish showing up most days. Leeches and night crawlers are taking over as the baits of choice in my boat. I’m expecting light-bites to continue with the major bug hatches coming very soon. Walleyes don’t have to work very hard for protein when the water temps approach 70 degrees, so light jigs, slip bobbers or live bait rigs are a great way to target these bug sippers. Another approach is to take advantage of bigger fish by trolling larger offerings like spinners or crankbaits at a faster pace, and triggering a reaction bite. 


Muskie fishing has really taken off, with most fish falling to either trolled crankbaits, or casting over shallow weeds in the warm, fertile bays. There has even been a few fish taken on topwaters. I’m really looking forward to chasing these apex predators from now to ice-up. 


Cheers and hook-sets,

Capt. Phil Bauerly 


Steve Nosbisch Guide Service

Some of the best fishing of the year is taking place on Leech Lake right now. Lots of walleyes have been hitting the net. Anything from small walleyes up to 29.5” have made an appearance this week. Wind blown rocky points seem to be holding the highest concentration of fish right now, but sandy points and flats near relatively deep water have also been productive. I have caught walleyes on Minnows, leeches, and night crawlers this week, so have a variety of bait in the bait and let the fish tell you what they want. The key seems to be continuing to move until you land on a school of fish. 8’-12’ has been most consistent for me this week. Stoney Point, Ottertail Point, and West Goose Flats are good spots to start your search.