Steve Nosbisch Fishing Guide
Overall fishing has been very good for the end of July. Some days are better then others like always, but the good days have been outnumbering the bad days recently. The crank bait bite is currently in full swing out on Leech Lake. Pulling crank baits over sand flats in 13’-16’ of water has been a consistent producer. Pay attention to your graph and fish areas that have a good amount of bait near the bottom. Many of the fish have been coughing up perch in the live well, and most days a crank bait in some sort of perch pattern has been the top producer. Keep switching baits until you find a hot bait. Many days the hot bait changed over the matter of a couple hours.
The multi species bite is strong right now as well. A wide variety of fish are set up in their summer homes near the edges of weed beds. If you find weeds near relatively deep water you’re sure to find fish. Continuing to move until you find a school of fish is important. When you locate a school of fish you can turn around and go through the area more thoroughly with a 1/16th ounce jig and leech or crawler.
The muskie fishing is still fairly tough on Leech Lake for the most part, but the upcoming new moon phase should be just the jumpstart the Muskies need. Some of the smaller lakes in the area have started to produce a good number of Muskies and some real nice fish casting bucktails over wind blown structure.
Good luck and good fishing!
Captain Steve Nosbisch
Our team of guides was once again throughout the Lakes are guiding this week from Leech Lake, Hackensack, Mille Lacs, and Cass Lake. Here are the reports for the week
Leisure Outdoor Adventure Fishing Report
Leech Lake
Fish are starting to get a little more active now this week, but feeding windows are still the key or actively moving around and picking off the active fish from the schools and moving on to the next one. In Walker Bay and on the West Side of the Lake, working windblow breaklines in 15-28 feet of water depending on the wind and day is best with a lindy rig and a crawler, leech, or chub. Slip bobbers are also a good way to target these fish when they are tightly schooled together. Fishing in the weeds with bobbers or jigs is also working to put some walleyes in the boat. Pay attention to flats that have had wind blowing for a few days on them, they can be sneaky good this time of year. On the Main lake, trolling crankbaits and spinners is the name of the game. Try using a #5 or #7 Shad Rap or Flicker Shad long lining in 12-18 feet of water along the Main lake Reefs or use Leadcore with small crankbaits in the Basin Areas of the lake or along long breaklines.
Muskies are starting to move more on the Main Lake Rocks and Weed beds. Large bucktails, top waters, and swim baits are all good lures to use this time of year.
Jason Freed
President of Leisure Outdoor Adventures