Fishing Report for January 31, 2024 – Trapper’s Landing Lodge

Fishing Report

Trapper’s Landing Lodge on Leech Lake

Ice Report for the South Shore of Leech Lake

Although we have not lost any ice currently we are going to error on the cautious side for this upcoming weekend as we have 7 days coming at us where temps will be 38-45 degrees. We would love to see everyone again but want to make sure that everyone has a safe memorable experience while visiting us up on Leech Lake.

We will be open to:

  • 1/2 ton trucks pulling up to a 24 ft wheel house. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
  • Seasonal Passes will be allowed out and our rental guests.
  • 3/4 gas trucks without pulling ice houses for portable fishing.
  • No restrictions on what a UTV is pulling out on the ice.

If you are using the public access on Whipholt Beach with a bigger rig please use caution while crossing road banks and cracks as they are sinking and not healing right now. Please check and use caution.

Fishing Report

Walleye continues to be spotty across the lake and during the low light hours. Fishing breaks and shorelines and keeping your lights and sounds down will help your success. We have heard of catches from 14-26 ft of water.

Eelpout bite continues to be hot across the lake with numerous double digit catches being reported right now in the same spots that you would set up for Walleye.

Tullibee/Whitefish continue to be caught in the basins and along the deep edges of structure. We have seen some very large catches being reported and with this warm weather that should continue.

Perch continue to be found in our basins and deeper water. They should start to move up to the shallows with the water running into the holes as we heard of some shallow 6 to 10 ft bites being reported as well as the deeper holes on our end in 20-26 ft of water.

Again we stress safety and want everyone to have a safe memorable fishing experience. So we will be limiting our traffic for the weekend. We hope to see everyone again this season and hope that we have some cooler temps move into the area so that we can finish the season on a good note.