Cass SWCD Joins the chamber

Member of the week
Welcome New Members -Cass SWCD
Left to right: Jennifer O’Neill, SWCD Supervisor; Tom Kuschel, SWCD Supervisor; Jenny Blue, SWCD Clerk; Dave Peterson, SWCD Chairman; Cindy Wannarka, President Leech Lake Chamber; Dana Gutzmann, SWCD AIS Lake Technician; Ken LaPorte, SWCD Supervisor.
The Cass SWCD recently approved the updated AIS Program Prevention and Management Plan and Dana Gutzmann, the Cass Aquatic Invasive Species Lake Technician is excited to roll out the new Adopt-A-Harbor Program! The program will involve educating volunteers on basic aquatic identification to increase early detection efforts county wide. Early detection can go a long way towards management and control options. Resorts or property owner associations can sign up to have their harbors inspected by a volunteer or they can volunteer to learn and inspect their own harbor for AIS. For more information about the program contact or visit the Cass Soil and Water Conservation District website.