An Elephant Shower


Carson and Barnes Circus News – An Elephant Shower

The Walker Fire Department and Fire Chief Scott in partnership with the Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce will be honorary elephant bathers when they aid the mighty Carson and Barnes Circus in washing their amazing pachyderms.

The bath time will be scheduled for 12:00 pm at the City Park on Sunday June 19, 2016.  This event will take place prior to the Carson and Barnes Circus performances scheduled for 2:00 and 5:00 pm.  For more information please call 580-743-7292.

Tickets are being sole at the Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, Super One, and Thrifty White Drug all in Walker.

Pachyderm Facts:

Just like humans the Carson and Barnes Circus elephants take daily showers.  Although; unlike most of us, they really get the royal treatment.  They get to lay down and get scrubbed cleaned by their loved handlers.  It takes approximately 500 gallons of water and 2 gallons of soap just to give one elephant their daily bath.  The majestic pachyderms are bathed with a special soap that is brought in from Missouri that is especially formulated for their skin.  Pressured water is used to help them achieve a spa like cleaning!  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see an elephant bath.

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